Monday, May 11, 2009

Next Stop: Summer

Can I first just say this is my favorite part of the year? When I don't have to stress for 7 to 8 months about passing classes or anything to be honest and I can just chill regardless of having to work and what have you? There are so many things I want to do it's ridiculous, to the point that I'm really contemplating taking another semester off of school because.. why not? I still haven't really figured out if I'm completely happy with my major and I don't want to waste $20,000 + dollars to waste a year and figure it out. That's really not even a lot of money in my eyes, but it adds up. And maybe I'm just not happy with U-Pitt, you know? Maybe I need to search for a college that's a little more .. for me. I think the only thing that is holding me back from that is that I won't be in the safety of my friends anymore. I'll have to legitimately step outside of my comfort zone, and that scares me unfortunately - but the truth is, I'm just not happy right now when it comes to that area of my life.

Luckily there are so many things to look forward to in the upcoming months. First and foremost, Cornerstone at the end of June/beginning of July. Last year was amazing, as were all of the people who shared the experience with me and I am completely stoked for C-Stone '09. Then there are numerous road trips and other such things planned that I'm entirely too anxious for. I'm trying really hard right now to not think about what I'm going to do come next semester. You can guarantee that I'm probably going to put off thinking about it until I absolutely have to, which is dumb of me but how I am. I'll figure it out in good time, but for now I'm living.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Collegiate Right of Passage

Spring break started off a little hopeless. I'd mostly decided to head to Barnes & Noble and pick up some books to read during the week and then Saturday happened. Spur of the moment, Beth decided we had to be in Florida but we had no idea how to get there or how to pay for it. Basically, long story short, rules and at 9PM we booked a flight for the next day at 11 out of Buffalo. This was definitely my first plane ride since I was like 5, so I pretty much had a panic attack during the first initial take off, but it ruled regardless. We had a three hour layover in Atlanta, and that was kind of cool, I suppose. We ate food, and then I studied Psych while Beth made friends with some old dude who noticed she was wearing a Penn State hoodie and then we took off again for Tampa.

Florida was absolutely amazing. We stayed with Beth's family and the entire week was just perfect. We pretty much just lounged around the pool and went shopping to be honest. I got so tan in just that one week, it was ridiculous. We also headed to the beaches, and can I just say that I absolutely adore little beach towns? It's like the only place you can get away with a hot pink or lime green house. Of course we were out in the sun all day so we got a little burnt, but not too horribly.

The end of the week really came too fast and now I'm obsessed with the place and want to go back :/ You have no idea. I need to move out.